Dechocker Review – Anti Choking Device Review and Results


I hear about Dechoker all time and finally I decide to buy it and test it to see if is it a SCAM? Or is it REAL? I have a huge collection of first aid devices because accidents can happen at any time. I have purchased dechoker, used it about 9 times and its performance amazed me. It is one of the best air clearance kits for all types of patients. The use of the Dechoker is very simple and has no side effects.

Water, so attractive to children, can become a great danger. When they are near a pool, river, lake or sea, even next to a pool or in the bathtub, it is very important to take certain precautions to avoid accidents with tragic outcomes. The airway clearing first aid works fast, so the affected person can recover quickly with proper breathing. I used it in many health-related conditions and disorders. It performs well in all conditions and saves more children and adults from the water pool. Here, I will share my experience with the dechoker device and how I used it to perform air clearance.

My Quick Overview Of Dechoker (30 Sec)

Choking is a common accident that may happen at any time. It’s better to take precautions before it’s too late. Dechoker is here to relieve you from the trauma.

It works effectively and removes fluid or other foreign material that may cause difficulty in breathing. The device is recommended to use for choking-related emergencies.

Dechoker is portable and compact that can be carried anywhere. It’s easy to use and does have very easy-to-follow instructions. You can apply this tool instantly to the sufferer as every second counts.

What Is Dechoker?

Dechoker prevents choking incidents and provide instant air clearance. In emergency choking cases, it is a life-saving device and 100% safe during use. It performs within a few seconds and it is highly effective. Children, adults and toddlers can use the Dechoker without any limitations and it can be used themselves. Its weight is very compact and easy to use, so I never require any guide to use it.

What is dechoker

Its design looks like an injection syringe works as a pump to reduce air blockage instantly. The patient will get relief after using the Dechoker and it is not an advanced gear that provides complete recovery. It ensures users enough time to take the patient in the hospital. Most of the emergency cases in children and patients recovered from choking accidents.

Top Features of Dechoker

It’s pretty tough to get help from someone during choking accidents as you may have obesity, disability, or even pregnancy. Dechoker is an incredible solution for choking incidents and proves instant relief. I like it for the amazing features and I will share only those features that are really present in the dechoker device. Let’s see below:

Top Features of Dechoker

  1. Easy to use: Its operation is very simple and easy to clean after use. The respiratory mask and tongue depressor provide instant air clearance to the conking patient. The mask is free in size, so adults and toddlers can wear it easily. Also, the depressor blocks the tongue collapse from the backside to reduce choking. Within 3 seconds, I can place it in the mouth so you can understand how easy it to use.
  2. Reference guide: It is patented with a reference guide that is included with all details and instructions. Its valve allows me to release fluid with backflow and prevent the liquid from re-entering. I used it several times without any expert’s help and never made it wrong. It is better to read the instructions before applying.
  3. Wide and large cylinder: The cylinder allows me to reduce the objects from the airway with suctioning. Just pull the handle and start air clearance to relieve from choking related issues. For its wide space, any type of food particles and water substances can be cleared out easily. 
  4. Design and construction: It is made with high-quality anti-bacterial plastic that ensures comfort in an emergency situation. It can be used anywhere and doesn’t require third party energy like electricity. Due to its compact design, I can carry it in my backpack easily. 
  5. Suitable for everyone: The Dechoker has 3 different types: adults after 12 years, children 3 to 12 years and toddlers 12 months to 3 years. It has no risk and side effects, so I never wait and take steps to save patients from choking incidents. Because every second is countable and valuable.  

Does The Dechoker Really Work?

I used the device and tried on four-person to check it really working? It successfully reduces choking obstruction from the airway. It takes 3 seconds to set up and anyone can perform suctioning by pulling the handle. To use it, the mask and tongue depressor helps more effectively. It does not require electricity or specialized experts to use because its operation is simple and anyone can freely use it in an emergency. 

Does the Dechoker really work

Its suction power is enough for dislodging foreign particles quickly in the cylinder chamber. The backflow valve prevents re-entering fluid in the oral cavity. After dislodging the particles, roll the device and the victim will get instant relief. Finally, it can be said that it is really working in a choking incident.

How Does The Dechoker Work?

Dechoker works 99 percent effectively and I tested it several times. It really works and I helped 4 choking patience. Here, I will discuss how it works for me. Read on.

It has a respiratory mask that takes 3 seconds to set up and helps to reduce objects on the airway. The tongue depressor creates a blockage on the back tongue so that the cavity prevents unusual collapse. In the cylinder, I see the reference guide that guides its use with details. Also, it is wide and large so that any particle can be sucked from the airway. With the backflow valve, no particles re-enter back to the oral cavity. By pulling the handle, anyone can relieve from choking incidents.

When & How Should A Dechoker Be Used?

When anyone is facing choking disorders during eating foods or swimming in the pool, it should be used as soon as possible. At that time, the airway of the victim is blocked and cannot breathe perfectly. It can be caused for death if necessary precautions aren’t taken in time. 

It can be used in sitting and lay down mode. If someone choked due to eating food, keep the person in a seat and start suction with the dechocker. In the swimming pool, someone choked due to their weakness. Lay them down and start suctioning as you want. Take instant steps because choking is a dangerous situation and victims can die at any moment. I always carry the first aid kit on my backpack and get support when needed.

Do Doctors Recommend Dechoker?

Choking is among the 4th leading causes of unintentional death. Children love to play with water and anything may happen. It’s a wise decision to own a dechoker to avoid unintentional accidents from happening.

Dechoker is an anti-choking device designed for children, adult’s and toddlers. The tool is designed by a medical advisory team that includes highly professional doctors. Dechoker is recommended by doctors as it has saved hundreds of lives already. As per a study of LifeVac, Dechoker has a success ratio of up to 94%. You can easily rely on this tool as you won’t have a professional 24/7 at your service.

Is Dechoker A Scam?

When I hear about the Dechoker that can reduce choking incidents, I purchased it to check its reality and its operations? After using, it really amazed me and I also helped 4 adults and 5 children to suck the choking particles from their airway and they are now well. It has two valves in the cylinder top that works when the lever pulled up. The last valve ensures air to leave in the cylinder and prevent re-entering the particles in our mouth.

Is dechoker a scam

In this way, it sucked the choking elements by creating the vacuum and the victim feels instant relief. The shell has 27 month lifetime so you can use it rough and tough as you need. So, I can ensure that it is a real first aid kit to get instant relief from choking incidents.

How Much Does Dechoker Cost?

Dechoker comes at an affordable price. You will have a single piece at only $39.95. The price is the same for the variants. If you purchase two dechoker together, you need to spend only $79.95. There is another deal that contains three dechoker at only $119.95. There is additional equipment available at the official store you may try.

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee And Warranty?

Yes, the Dechoker manufacturer offers 30 days money back and replacement guarantee if you see any problems or faults in the device. Also, trusted online sites like Amazon and eBay provide the same guarantee in the case of the issues. Also, it is a completely safe device for children to adults and no need specialized knowledge to use it.

Where I Can Buy It?

I have purchased the Dechocker device from their official website. They provide me 30 days money-back guarantee. You can find the first aid device on several platforms and there has no money-back guarantee and sometimes deliver fake products.

Where I Can Buy It

So, I recommend to purchase it from their official website or trusted online platforms like Amazon or eBay. If you are buying 2 or more, you will get a free and discount offer. Don’t make a delay because every second precious.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Here, I have answered some frequently asked questions about the Dechocker device that will clear your confusion about the first aid device.

Why use the Dechoker?

It does not require any specialized guide to use and has no injury-related issues during use. User will not face thoracic, abdominal and more related pain when the first aid kit is using to dislodge choking particles.

Can the Dechoker be wall mounted?

It can be used anywhere, anytime and anyway. So, it can easily be mounted with the wall using the supporting tools. The manufacturer has a wall-mount and you have to purchase it separately. 

What is the possibility of barotrauma?

Our tongue and oral cavities are a sensitive organ and the airway obstructed due to choking particles. The Dechokers suction generates pressure that will not damage the larynx tissues. So, there is no chance of barotrauma possibility.

Can I reuse the Dechoker if I clean it?

You can reuse the Dechoker after cleaning if you want. But I do not recommend to reuse it because it is a single-use device and has some regulatory issues.

Is the Dechoker sterile?

The Dechocker is not sterilized but is manufactured in a clean environment. 

Does it hurt the patient when it is used?

It is designed with high-quality flexible materials, so the patient will not feel pain or hurt while using it. If you are confused about its use, take training from nearby doctors.

Is there an expiry date on the Dechoker?

Dechocker cylinder has 27 months shell life and some users are using it still now and time duration is about 4 years. If you use it carefully, it will serve more time from the recommended expiry date.

Final Thought

The Dechocker helps in a choking emergency and many patients get relief instantly from choking. I used the device several times and it really works in all conditions. Choking is a life hampered case because it blocks the airway and patient cannot breathe properly.

With the Dechocker device, anyone can suck the choking particles instantly. Its mask, depressor, valves, cylinder body and pull handlebar make the task easier and faster that will save more lives from choking incidents. So, get the device and keep yourself safe from the choking incidents anytime.

Henry J Taylor

Hi, I am Henry J Taylor, the owner of “Nerd Know Better Site” that will inform you about all the latest & smart tools for kitchen, home, health, automobiles, gadgets, everything that you may need in your everyday life. Basically, I am a businessman, researcher & writer. I have a business where I sell different types of smart tools that you’ll need in your everyday life.

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