The Breather Vs Airphysio: Which One Is Better For You?


The Breather and Airphysio are airway physiotherapeutic devices that strengthen respiratory muscles, lung expansion, etc. Prescribed for Asthma, Bronchitis, COPD, and many other respiratory diseases, these drug-free devices train up your respiratory organs, ensuring better inhalation and exhalation of air.

Both Breather and Airphysio are research-based, technology-driven therapeutic devices serving almost the same purposes. But they use different methods to function. Having to choose one might feel a little intimidating, especially if you have no prior experience with them.

This article will give you a clear idea of The Breather Vs Airphysio explaining how each of these devices works, their features, where they differ from one another, pros and cons. You will have no problem choosing the right one after that.

The Breather Vs Airphysio Comparison Chart

Although both devices serve the same purpose, they have many differences that make them distinct. I will show you a comparison chart between The Breather and Airphysio. Having a quick look at it will help you make a decision.

Here’s the comparison table between The Breather and Airphysio:

The Breather
The Breather
Device Variants
Device Variants
No specific Variants
Respiratory Disease Patients, Athletes, Military Personnel, Singer, Speaker, Kids, Adults
Kids, Adults with low and average lungs capacity, sportsman
Available on Official Website
Available on Official Website
86 gm
120 gm
Travel Kit
Travel Kit
Hard Storage
Hard storage with soft case sleeve
30 days money-back guarantee with a 1-year warranty
30 days satisfaction guarantee with a 1-year warranty
$49.95- $59.95

The Breather Vs Airphysio: What Are The Differences?

The comparison table above has given you a basic idea of where these two devices are different from each other. But you must ask the how and why. You can only choose a suitable device if you know all the nitty-gritty of these two airway physiotherapy devices.

The Breather Vs Airphysio - What Are The Differences

The Breather is a drug-free physiotherapy device to clear your airways and strengthen your respiratory muscles. This evidence-based device works as an inspiratory and expiratory muscle training instrument for respiratory muscles.

Airphysio, on the other hand, is an Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure or, in short, OPEP device. This device is used for Asthma, Bronchitis, COPD, and many other respiratory disease patients to expand their lungs and clear the mucus.

Knowing what they are and how they function, let’s look at their fundamental differences. It will give you a precise idea of which device fits your purpose. So, let’s dive deeper.

Device Variants

Device variants make it usable for different groups of people. It also ensures that people of different ages and needs can use that device. Both the Breather and Airphysio come in different variations.

The Breather has 3 variants The Breather, Breather Voice, and Breather Fit for 3 different groups of people. The Breather is designed for children of 8 years old and more, adults who want to ensure healthy aging, and patients with COPD, Dysphagia, Neuromuscular disease, CHF, etc. Breather Voice is for Singers, artists, and professional speakers, and Breather Fit is for Olympians, Military Forces, Athletes, and Cross fitters.

On the contrary, Airphysio comes in various groups, including Kids, Sports, low lung capacity, average lung capacity, etc.


Both Breather and Airphysio are designed for the same purpose that is clearing the airway and strengthening respiratory muscles. But doing so, they serve different groups of people and patients. For example, the Breather has designed its devices for singers, actors, speakers, athletes, military forces, kids, and others. Besides, they work as a drug-free treatment for patients with neuromuscular disease, COPD, and many other diseases.

Similarly, Airphysio also serves kids, athletes, people with low lung capacity, average lung capacity, etc. This OPEP device also serves as a drug-free treatment for different patients with asthma, bronchitis, COPD, Chest colds, Cystic Fibrosis, Emphysema, etc.


How many people use a device indicates how well it works. The Breather and Airphysio are excellent devices recommended by doctors and hospitals. It indicates that both devices work just fine. However, according to the Breather official website, more than 1.5 million active Breather users. We already know that people from different groups and backgrounds use this device.

There is no record available on how many people use Airphysio. But their income statement states that they have a total of $22 million in sales. It is also an indication that many people buy and use this device.


Training is most important for both devices. As you administer this device yourself, you must know how to use it properly. Otherwise, this device will have no use. Training will be different for different users and patients of different diseases. Ease of use and training indicates which device you should choose.

The Breather has a Breather University option on its website, where you will find training videos and many other courses. In contrast, you will find a detailed user guide on Airphysio’s official website in written form and videos.


Weight can be an essential factor for choosing any of the devices. This device is lightweight and can be carried easily. You might also find it easy to use because of its low weight. The breather device weighs 86 gm. On the other hand, Airphysio weighs 120 gm. We can see that the Breather is less weighted than Airphysio. It might be a big issue for most people, but less weight might come in handy for some people, especially for kids and elders.


Portability is another critical factor that can influence your decision. Both these devices are pretty lightweight and small in size. All you need is a travel bag to carry the device while traveling and securely store it other times. Both the Breather and Airphysio come with custom-fit travel bags.

All the Breather variants come with a different hard storage travel bag color. For example, the Breather has a grey color travel bag, Breather Voice has a burgundy color, and Breather Fit has a black color travel bag. Similarly, the Airphysio device also comes with a hard case- a custom-fit travel bag but has a soft case sleeve.


You will want to buy a device that has a better warranty policy. According to the website, the Breather devices have a 30 days money-back guarantee and 1 year of warranty. But to avail of it, you must purchase the device from its official website or authorized retailers. In contrast, no information regarding device warranty on Airphysio’s website is available.

But we know from the market that it also provides a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, meaning after purchasing, you can send back your product and claim money within 30 days from purchase. These devices also come with a 1-year warranty.


Price can heavily influence you toward a specific product. It can be a vital consideration for many people. However, the Breather has different price points for its 3 variants. The Breather is available at $49.95, while Breather Voice and Breather Fit are available at $59.95. On the contrary, the Airphysio is available at $59.99. So, we can see that there’s nothing much difference between the prices of both devices.

What is it?

The Breather: The Breather is a drug-free respiratory training device by PN Medical using an evidence-based formula to train both inspiratory and expiratory muscles. This device is used for neuromuscular disease, CHF, COPD, Dysphagia, etc., patients and singers, athletes, speakers, military personnel, kids, and adults. It helps a person improve oxygen saturation, reduce hyperinflation, increase MIP and MEP, improve vocal strength, improve cardio performance, etc.

what is The Breather

It helps you in the following way:

  • It helps oxygen reach your vital organs and improve your cardiac health.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety by reducing shallow breath.
  • Increases your blood flow throughout your body and improves blood pressure
  • Improve airflow and respiratory muscle.

Airphysio: Airphysio is also a drug-free respiratory treatment device that has been designed using the OPEP formula. This device helps clear mucus and expand lungs for better and stronger respiratory muscle. It helps patients with asthma, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis, colds, flues, etc., and sportsmen and lids by strengthening the lungs and respiratory organs.

what is Airphysio

  • It clears mucus from your lungs and clears the airway
  • Improve breathing
  • Protects you from lung infections
  • drug-free treatment for respiratory disease.

How to Use it?

The Breather: With Breather, you can adjust the inhale and exhale resistance levels to train your lungs. It works in 3 easy steps:

  • Firstly, breathe in and out through the Breather device.
  • Then adjust the inhale/exhale level using the dial to increase and decrease resistance according to your need.
  • Perform 10 breaths in 2 sets two times a day and 6 days a week.

Airphysio: You can use Airphysio in a few easy steps:

  • First, inhale a deep breath and hold it for 2-3 seconds.
  • Then, put the Airphysio device into your mouth and exhale air through the device quickly, but do not blow too hard.
  • Now, adjust the device to set an optimum vibration.
  • You might have mucus stored near your lung’s back; cough it out.
  • Perform exhaling 2 times per minute and do it for 5 minutes.

Pros And Cons Of The Breather

  • Comes with 6 inspiratory and 6 expiratory settings
  • Two mouthpieces included
  • Unlimited on-demand videos on the website
  • Breather coach app offers a 4-week in-app journal
  • Customized training plan based on performance
  • Independent inspiratory and expiratory dial
  • Reduces fatigue time
  • Comes with a complex and sturdy travel case
  • Practical design & custom fit.
  • Single person use device hence non-returnable
  • Self-administered device; handicapped can’t use it

Pros And Cons Of Airphysio

  • Lower the chances of lung infection
  • Reduce mucus formation
  • Protects from many respiratory diseases
  • Drug-free device
  • Great portability
  • One variant for children and adult
  • Self-administered device
  • Uses OPEP
  • Physically challenged and handicapped cannot use it.

Where To Buy?

The Breather: The Breather is a respiratory training device by PN Medical. It comes in 3 different variants to help train your inspiratory and expiratory respiratory muscles. It works like a gym to your lungs. The Breather is available on PN Medical’s official website. Apart from that, you can buy it from their authorized sellers. You can see the locations of their authorized sellers on their website. By putting a coordinate, you will find the nearest authorized dealer shop.

Airphysio: Airphysio is also a respiratory trainer device based on oscillating positive expiratory pressure. It clears your mucus oscillating through expiratory pressure. This device is available on Airphysio’s official website. Besides, you will get them in dealer shops and drug stores. The deal shops’ names and addresses are available on their website.

The Breather Vs Airphysio: Which One Is Better?

The Breather and Airphysio are high-quality and effective products used for respiratory training. They serve a similar purpose but use different techniques. The Breather is scientifically designed to improve your breathing and strengthen your respiratory muscles.

On the other hand, Airphysio works using oscillation and expiratory pressure to clear the mucus from your lung, giving a clear airway. It is an award-winning device that can improve breath and treatment of Asthma, COPD, and other devices.

It should be pretty clear that these devices are packed with good stuff. I’m sure you already know which one you should buy with all the discussion above. I suggest you buy The Breather if you do not have any specific requirements. The Breather offers 3 variants; you can choose one based on your need. It is the first respiratory training device, and all the indications shows that this is the better one between the two.

Final Words

The Breather is the first drug-free respiratory training device to clear your airway and improve breathing. Airphysio, too, serves the same purpose, although they follow different methods to achieve it. Whether you are a singer, speaker, athlete, a patient with respiratory disease, or just an adult, you can use these devices to improve your lung performance and reduce short breaths.

But in that case, you have to know which one suits your purpose. I hope my article has given you all the necessary insight you need to decide. Now go, purchase the right one and train up your lungs for better and healthier breathing.

Henry J Taylor

Hi, I am Henry J Taylor, the owner of “Nerd Know Better Site” that will inform you about all the latest & smart tools for kitchen, home, health, automobiles, gadgets, everything that you may need in your everyday life. Basically, I am a businessman, researcher & writer. I have a business where I sell different types of smart tools that you’ll need in your everyday life.

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